Transitioning From Web Developer to Comic Book Author:


I had to half-way wake up last night to keep from self-imploding. Someone was telling me about a plane that went down some time ago. As it fell, it spun, faster and faster. Before hitting the ground, half the crew had died from self-implosion. Just watching it, my own insides started to shrink. For a minute, the plane was falling and spinning so fast, it vanished. Someone said it was some well known physics law that I had never heard of.
Later on that night, a taxi almost ran me over. It slammed on the breaks over a block away from me, but it was going so fast downhill that it slid and twisted it’s way right next to me. I had my cell phone ready to dial 9-11 in case someone inside was hurt from the sudden stop. The driver and his guest were fine, though the passenger was quite shaken up and both of them had stomach aches.