Transitioning From Web Developer to Comic Book Author:

Napping at Home

It’s so much easier to nap at home, in bed, with a cat (who always sleeps). It’s still tough to fall asleep on command. I hopped into bed at about 10:10am and got up at 10:50am. I definately slept but I don’t know how deep. I remember several dreams–especially since I kept going in and out of sleep. I suspect that I was hovering between stages 1-4 (NREM1, NREM2, NREM3, NREM4, NREM3, NREM2, wake up) and didn’t make it to REM. I’ve read that this is the natural method of obtaining REM sleep, climbing up the 4 levels of NREM then climbing back down 3, 2, REM. Supposedly this will change once my body realizes it’s going to have to take REM when it can get it.

Many resources claim that dreams only happen in REM while some claim that the most vivid dreams happen in REM. I’m pretty sure that the first claim is false, since I always fall asleep by first dreaming. Letting my mind wander into dreams is key to falling asleep for me. Otherwise, I would just sit and think about things and never sleep, which is what I did throughout high school and I didn’t sleep very well at all back then.