Start up -> Shut down -> Back in?
Working at a start up company is a lot of fun. There’s a ton of enthusiasm, the progress feels fantastic. You start with nothing and you evolve it into something stable, robust, sustainable, intelligent. Sometimes you even get to make something that takes off on it’s own and just goes and all you have to do is watch.
And when the economy is good, financing is good. The payout can be great. But there’s risk. There is a hard road to flatten, cobble, pave, paint and then sell to someone who needs a road. That’s the business of a startup. To make something great and see the payoff. Then we get to move on to something else. Hopefully, we don’t move onto something else before the current project comes to full fruition.
Today, I am officially unemployed. The entire company is laid off. With the market hit, some investors have to save themselves before making risky bets.
But all hope is not lost. There are some investors who have been waiting for this moment in the economy so they can get a really good deal on bankrupt and struggling companies. The buying is hot right now. I have done some of this myself. It’s a damn good time to buy up shares of companies you know will turn a profit.
So, I am going to be on hold, trying to see what happens over the next couple of weeks. Maybe I will get hired back, maybe not.
Time to touch up the old resume.
15 Oct, 2008
Sorry to hear about the layoffs at RIPL…what a cluster#$K.
I hope you and your lovely family are doing well. :)