Day 7: Revved Up and Ready
Alright, this is the start of the 7th day, one week, 168th hour (hey, I did that in my head and it’s 5am :))
So, since I took a longer nap than usual last night, I wasn’t able to sleep until a little past 12:30am. Before I fell asleep, I realized it would not be prudent to wake up at 3am, since I needed some extra neurotransmittal help to heal my muscles. I’ve read that REM is especially good for the nervous system and mine was fealing a little abused yesterday.
The steaming hot bath, last night, before my nap, was probably a nice touch too. My body felt a little stronger after that nap–although it was too long so I didn’t wake from REM as I should have.
I only have one class today, so I’m hoping to take a break at work and nap before class. There just isn’t a decent place to sleep at school. Go figure. The University of Washington is so much better equiped for napping than Seattle Central Community College. Oh, well.
I’m starting today off right, with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a handful of vitamins. I need a high power breakfast since dinner is so difficult for my schedule. Usually, I just end up bringing a cliff bar and a bunch of mixed nuts, dried fruit, seawead (nori), and whatever else I can find to snack on.
Well, today is going to be much better than yesterday. That I’m already sure of. My shoulders are still really sore, but it’s several orders of magnitude improved.