Day 5: Oops!
Fie on’t!
I screwed up last night. I was very good yesterday. I slept from midnight to 3am. Then I took a 40 minute nap as planned. However, I did a 1 hour yoga class and started my first of 3 free sessions with a physical trainer at the gym. I got worn out. All my muscles are so exhausted. I can barely move my upper body.
Last night, I skipped my 19:20-20:00 nap. That was a mistake.
I ate a bunch of ginger snaps instead while watching two movies. Another mistake.
Then, I went to bed at midnight. I fell right to sleep since I was so tired from the day of early exercise.
At 3am, my phone went off in my pillow (my new personal alarm clock–the vibrate mode doesn’t wake Lena). I turned off the alarm and while part of me was thinking, “I’ll just lay here and remember my dream for a minute”, I know another part of me was thinking, “hey, daylight savings… I get an extra hour. I may as well sleep.”
So I did and I didn’t wake up until 8am (7am after daylight savings).
The worst part is that I don’t even feel like I got a full night of sleep.
My body feels so sore and tired.
But I’m not giving up. I can reason this lapse, which means I can prepare for it again in the future.
There was a time, when I was working the graveyard shift at a restaurant and I would get 12 hours of sleep a day. It was great. I remembered all of my dreams, which were usually lucid. I suspect that part of my lapse was my body saying that I have so much sleep potential. I may as well use it when I need it. I don’t think sleeping 8 hours last night is going to prevent me from taking 1-1.5 hours worth of naps today.
I’m still waking up at 3am tomorrow morning!