OK, I’m a Geek
I am so in love with Ubuntu linux. I’m a big Linux fan in general and I’ve installed and configured a dozen distributions on half a dozen machines. Ubuntu is fast, slick and it supports almost everything right out of the box.
I hosed my Windows XP on my Dell Inspiron 9300. Windows hasn’t figured out Journaling Filesystems yet and my drive was fragmented beyond repair. Anyhow, I reinstalled windows XP (without my Dell restore disc–I just used a plain xp disc) and I couldn’t even use the machine. XP didn’t recognize the nvidia geforce graphics card. It didn’t know what to do with the Dell function keys or the volume controls. It didn’t even setup my intel pro wireless. I couldn’t get online! It was pointless. So, while waiting for the Dell restore disc in the mail, I thought, “what the hell, I originally planned on running windows inside VMware on Linux anyway.”
Ubuntu recognized everything perfectly. My wireless works, the dell function keys work, the volume control. I’m sitting here writing this on a beutiful 1920×1200 resolution linux box. Sweet! And when I plug in my iPod, I get a little iPod icon on my desktop that lets me mount it. \m/
Now I’m going to see how VMware handles WindowsXP on this puppy… :)