Transitioning From Web Developer to Comic Book Author:

Great Big Nap Sine Wave

Just had another bout of deeply detailed dreams, fading in and out of consciousness at the office. I only laid down for 20 minutes but the dreams were so long it seemed like at least an hour.

Day 14: Wow

I never thought 6.5 hours of sleep would feel so refreshing. My calves feel a lot better. I feel pretty awake too. Although, I missed (sleepily disabled) the 3am and 4am wake-up buzzes on my phone. The alarm is bad. All it’s doing is giving me a negative connotation for my phone’s vibration mode.

So, yes, I overslept. My schedule is so not conducive to polyphasic sleeping. Next quarter, I’m going to try it with a much more strict (and evenly spread) schedule.

Even if I can’t get to my goal this quarter, I’m writing a research paper on polyphasic sleeping. I will be posting the full text by the middle of December.

Well, at least my 14 day average is still under 6 hours of sleep per 24.

Day 13: Heat Padded Sleep

Oh, my sweet warmness… we just got a heating pad for our bed, put it under our sheets and now it’s so toasty. I don’t want to blame the warmth as why I slept 4 hours last night but it definately helped. That and my calves, which are like two painfully swollen rocks attached to my legs. The heat felt very nice in that regard.

I had such a scare yesterday. My laptop wouldn’t turn on. Luckily I was able to trace it down to one of my 1GB RAM modules. I’ve got to return it and get a new one. So, I’m floating on only 1GB of RAM now. Woe is me :)
Oh, well, I’ll notice the difference once I try to boot another OS in VMware.

You may have noticed that i put links on anything that anyone might not be familiar with. Go ahead and follow the links if you are interested in reading more about these topics.

Day 12: Easy Rise

I just got up at 3am. It was really easy to mentally wake up as soon as my first alarm vibrated next to me. The hard part was opening my eyes again, after seeing the big 3:00 on my red digital clock and re-closing them immediately. I let my phone snooze for 9 minutes then forced myself out of bed. Will power alone got me to the shower. My eyes burned for a few minutes under the steam.
If I had absolute control over my schedule, I would be doing this differently.
The whole purpose, in the end, is to acclimate my body to spreading sleep out evenly over the whole day. However, I am currently trying to sleep for 3 hours, then take about 1.5 hours worth of naps throughout the rest of the 24 hour period. Hardly seems even.
Ideally, I would have tried to ease my way into a true polyphasic system, sleeping in 3 three hour blocks, then transitioning to 4 two hour blocks, and finally 6-8 twenty-fourty minute blocks.
Someday, I will experiment with that transition. Well, time to do some homework.

Off topic but good

I just saw “Good Night, and Good Luck.”
It was a great film but it’s too bad it didn’t come out 3 years ago. Are you now or have you ever been a member of the terrorist party? I suppose some americans are still suffering from Bushism so maybe it’s still a good time to have this movie come out.

Day 11: Lapse again

I totally don’t remember turning off my 4am alarm. I set both the 3am and 4am to be safe. When the 3am went off, it took a couple of buzzes to actually wake me up. I think I was in deeper sleep than I should have been. I’ve heard that alarm clocks disrupt the body’s natural rhythm. I’d like to get in the habit of not using it. I’ve read that lapses are normal up to once a week, while adjusting to this schedule. It just seems like such a setback. Well, it certainly boosts my average sleep per night.

Day 10: More Research

I did some more research and I found yet another contradiction. Does anyone have a real firm grasp of how sleep works? Everyone says something different. I want my own EEG machine so I can just see for myself.

Here’s the deal:
Most research says that the stages of sleep are NREM 1, NREM 2, NREM 3, NREM 4, NREM 3, NREM 2, REM -> repeat.

However, I just found a very recent publication, which says that there is a very short slipping into REM right away, then sleep progresses all the way to deep sleep and back to NREM 1 before it returns to REM. This model makes much more sense when considering the ease of waking up during each phase–REM being the easiest and progressively getting more difficult down to NREM 4.

Sleep Stages
From “Complete Home Medical Guide” © Dorling Kindersley 2004

This would explain why everyone seems to agree that the most vivid dreams happen in REM. Since, I always fall asleep dreaming, it would make sense that there is at least a short phase of REM right away.

And now that I’m looking for it, here is another resource with the same claimand another.

Day 9: wicked dreams, overslept

My dreams were intense last night. Right before I finally got up, I would have sworn I was in the middle of a David Cronenberg film (something like Naked Lunch crossed with Blade Runner. It was complete with government assassinations, which led to political takeovers, genetically perfected artificial life, which would control the minds of normal humans, highly intellegent artificially intellegent machines, which would leave 800 messages in my voicemail box, each one telling me that it just wanted to talk to me, and several other strange and undefinable moments.

I got up at 3am, remembering a different dream, turned off my 4am alarm, thinking that I would get up then. Two hours later, I was eating at a neo-mexican (which strangely meant ‘european american’) Interzone border restaraunt, trying to keep the chef from eating all the food off of my plate, which he was keen on doing. When I time/space shifted to an office where I was listening to my voicemail (the countless artificial messages) and a man told me the door AI, which I had called an ‘A’ generation, was actually an ‘E’ generation–and was not to be trifled with–I realized I was asleep and jolted my eyes open, only to find that it was already 5am. An expletive involuntarily jumped out of my mouth, which hopefully did not wake Lena.
In the shower, I decided that I need to just lie down for my scheduled nap times, even if I can’t sleep, just to get my body in the habit. I didn’t do so for the latter half of yesterday. I’m not sure if it was just my dreams that kept me enthralled enough to oversleep or if it’s the result of totalling 5 hours and 20 minutes of unevenly spaced sleep, yesterday.

Nap at the Office

My employers purchased a couch for the sole purpose of taking naps on it. It’s a fabulous tool since school doesn’t have any decent place to rest.
I was just sleeping on that couch and I had some very interesting dreams.
First off, I’ve read in several studies that REM is where people dream. I don’t believe this is true. The best way, and sometimes the only way, for me to sleep is to dream my way asleep. I try to focus on blurring out my surroundings while formulating some visual scene about the fuzzyness around me. On my most recent nap, I kept sliding in and out of deep sleep. I must have shifted 6 or 7 times. It felt like an enormous sine wave, what seemed like fully awake at one end and REM at the other, neither lasting very long.

There were these two beings, human like, although I didn’t get a close look. I was too busy focusing on the two colossal gladiators they were worshiping as gods. These gladiators were almost robots, huge bulbous metalic helmets, reflecting shards of light placed around there heads. On closer inspection, the helmets were domes holding hundreds of thousands of people, as if these giant beings had each swooped up a football stadium full of bloodthirsty fans and kindly wrapped a glass ceiling to cover them. Then it became clear that all of these dome dwellers were worshiping the two tiny people on the ground.
The small ground people worshiped the giants because of their magnificent size difference. The giants were full of people just like them who looked out and saw two unworldly beings, which they delighted to concieve of as Gods.
Mentally, I wavered between the two groups, zooming in and out–a dizzying thing to do when you are bobbing up and down the sine wave of sleep. I couldn’t be sure if I should focus on the absurdity of the two people on the ground or the countless people in the domes. They both seemed so silly, although, in retrospect, the people on the ground seem rightly less silly. I would certainly marvel at two enormous beings of any kind if they towered so high over me, even if I knew they were full of people (though, the groundlings clearly did not have that knowledge).

Anyhow, I had many other detailed dreams and I remained lucid throughout all of them. I even remember a moment of paralysis, which I believe was my body entering REM. I’ve read that the Pedunculopontine nucleus is the supposed (but not proven) main trigger of REM, which also halts motor functions at that stage of sleep.

Well, I’d tell you more, but I’ve got to get to class.

Day 8: Taking it Easy

You know it’s early when you step out of the shower and your cat is staring at you with sleep deprived eyes.
My cat always wakes up with me, regardless of the time. He just sometimes can’t take it any better than I can. He’s my little at-home sleep support group.
I set my phone’s buzzer for 3am and (I thought) 4am, last night. When I awoke at 3am, my muscles still felt a little sore so I just let the first alarm go. What I had forgotten is that my 4am alarm was actually set for 4:30am. My phone likes to name the alarms and when I push one alarm forward 30 minutes, sometimes I forget to change the name of the alarm to match.
Constant vigilance!
I’m going to have to watch out for that.
However, I’m glad I got the extra bit of sleep. Now my muscle soreness is down to just my triceps.
Sleep is good. No argument there.
This morning I’m going to make a little database so I can enter in my exact nap times each day and be able to generate little charts and stats. That should help motivate me.