Transitioning From Web Developer to Comic Book Author:

V Again

v for vendetta
I saw V for Vendetta again today.
The first time I saw it, I loved it.
The second time, it was even better.
I cannot count how many times I had to stiffle tears of triumphant rebellious joy.
I will buy this DVD when it comes out. That should say something to people who know me about how damn good this film is.
Also, I was able to find the artist of the song played on the credits (the only song that isn’t on the official soundtrack–even though it rules).

You can hear a sample of this song on Ethan Stoller’s mySpace site.
He’s offering a 99 cent download of the “speechless” version, which is pretty cool–but he needs to have the version from V with all the cool political activism speeches. That was tight.