Continuing with yesterday’s drawing of a Manga Girl. Today is the profile view. After today, I’m not going to keep posting the full breakdown of steps I take since I don’t want to undermine the greatness of Christopher Hart’s “Manga for the Beginner”–even though I’m posting more broken down steps than the book does ^_^
Even still, I wanted to present a few details that are left out of the book and that I feel are really important (but I won’t republish all the great hints and tips that are throughout the book :). Again, reverse order:
Manga Girl Profile – Step 6 – Final Ink:
At this stage, I went over my 0.1 Sakura Micron pen with a 0.2–just to darken up a few places.

Manga Girl Profile – Step 5 – Time to Erase:
Unlike the examples in the book, I’ve left most of my original pencil in place up to this point (even the ruler guidelines and temporary structural marks). The inking here is done with a 0.1 Sakura Pigma Micron pen.

Manga Girl Profile – Step 4 – Starting Ink:
I just wanted to point out where I begin inking–the flower is the frontmost object, so I figured that was a good place to start. Then the Eye and the rest of the face, followed by working into the hair.

Manga Girl Profile – Step 3 – Final Pencil (HB):
Here I switch to an HB grade pencil for a little bit darker touch.

Manga Girl Profile – Step 2 – Hair

Manga Girl Profile – Step 1 – Form (2H):
I like to start my drawings these days with a 2H. It’s light and a little hard (but not nearly as hard as the 6H that I used to start with). I’ve been working my way up as I become more confident in the lines I’m creating–but everyone likes to start with a different grade–some even like to start with heavier grades.

I’ll probably continue to take pictures of the steps as I draw them and I might upload them to my flickr account here:
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